Board Meeting Minutes for 2008 

Board Meeting Minutes for January 9th 2008
-Lions Present for the Board Meeting were: Ruocco, Rusert TE, Crawford, Dubiel D, Dubiel J, Ferrentino, Lobl H, Fahning, Ackerman, and Chervinsky.
-The board approved new members coming into our club pending payment of membership dues and application fee. The new members to be inducted at today’s general meeting are Thomas J Rusert, Bill Wind Jr., and Joseph P. Wind. Mike Wind and Dave Pelosi (previously approved would be inducted at a later date.
-Lion Dick Crawford announced a Budget Committee Meeting for 6PM on January 23rd before our regular meeting.
-The next Board Meeting would be February 11th at 6:30AM. Lion Anne Fahning will host the meeting at her house, 2186 E. River Rd.
-Lion Crawford announced that plaques for the “Kids Picnic” volunteers would be handed out at our Spaghetti Dinner. He also needs to send a $200 deposit to the Holliday Inn to reserve our spot on April 14th.
-Lion Crawford discussed the needed audit of our Club. George Casey volunteered to do it. The Board approved this. Minutes from the last three years of our meetings would be needed. Lion Dave Chervinsky would provide this.
-Lion Diane Dubiel reminded the board we need the Nominating Committee to be set up.
-Lion Fred Ruocco will again organize the Valentines Party. Lion D. Dubiel asked the board about inviting our Zone partner clubs. This was approved.
-The Loan Closet was discussed. A sign out sheet was passed out and discussion followed as to how we could have better control and awareness of the inventory. Lion Ruocco agreed to be the point person for this and keep the inventory up to date.
-The meeting was adjourned at 6:50PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for February 11th 2008

-Lions present for the meeting were: Ferrentino, Fahning, Steinagel, Crawford, Lobl H, Chervinsky, Ackerman, Rusert TE, Hahn, and Norris.
-The Lions Blind and Charity Fund Meeting will be held on February 21st at the Banquet by Adams . Lions Norm Hahn and Shelia Ferrentino will represent our club.
A new member application was received by the Board and Colby Smith was approved for membership.
-Lion President Ferrentino noted that the South Buffalo Lions Club is in need of loan closet supplies. Lion Dave Chervinsky will contact them and see if we can help with our excess supplies.
-Lion Secretary Kathie Norris showed the Board the patch we received for this years Melvin Jones award. It would be attached to our banner.
-Lion Ferrentino noted there were Lion’s discounts through the LCI web site. Lion Chervinsky will put links to this on our web site.
-Lion Treasurer Al Ackerman reported he will finalize the budgets this week for our audit to go forward and for posting on our web site.
-Lion Norris needs a monthly budget report to send to 20N. Lion Ackerman would do this.
-Lion Chervinsky will post the UNYTS blood drive information on our web site.
-Lion Mike Steinagel asked both the Sabres and the Bills if they would send their Mascots to the Kids Picnic. He, in return, received a signed Hockey puck and signed picture of Aaron Schobel. Steinagel gave the items to the board for our Chinese Auction that would take place at our Spaghetti Dinner. Lion Anne Fahning will again coordinate the auction.
-Lion Steinagel reported that he is working on organizing this years “Special Kids Picnic.” It was noted we received free hats last year and this was not likely to occur this year. Lion Norm Hahn agreed to call Mike Engler who was instrumental in arranging the hats from New Era last year and see if it could be arranged again. Lion Ackerman reported we were budgeted $3500 for the picnic last year. He will send an itemized list to Lion Steinagel. Lion Fahning will submit an article to the dispatch asking for donations and volunteers for the picnic. Lion Dick Crawford noted that the Wilson Lions gave us $250 for the kids Picnic and suggested we could use that to make a banner commemorating the 50th year of this event. This was sent to the Budget Committee.
-Lion Crawford reported we need $45 to buy the Marshall Cancilla Peace poster this year. This was sent to the Budget Committee.
-Lion H. Lobl reported we received the $500 matching funds from the Ray Wheeler foundation for Madison Mondoux. She had a successful lens implant done last week.
-Lion Thomas E. Rusert reported we overcharged recent inductees since they were inducted in January and dues are pro-rated. Those new lions will receive a credit on next year’s bill. Lion Rusert announced that John and Debbie Mondoux will join the Lions.
-Lion Crawford reported that Lion Bob Christman would transfer to Our Club from his Newark N.Y. Club. Lion Norris noted we need information on him for our records.
-Lion Rusert noted that he sponsored Lion Joe Wind and not his Father.
-Lion Norris reported we received 20N raffle ticket for the Lions Foundation. They are $100 ea. Lion Crawford told the board that the cost of three tickets is already in the budget.
-South Buffalo-Lackawanna Lions are selling raffle tickets for a $5000 prize. Cost is 3/$10. See Lion Norris for tickets.
-Lion Norris read a letter of resignation from Bob Piatek.
-Lion Norris has Bon-Tom Community Days tickets for all those that want them. Volunteers to man tables are still needed. The event is scheduled for March 1st.
-Lion Lobl told the Board that Nancy Davis, the Sister of John Mondoux is interested in joining Our Club.
-Lion Ferrentino announced that the next board meeting would be March 26th at 6PM.
-The meeting was adjourned at 8AM.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for March 26th 2008
Present for the Board Meeting were Lions: Crawford, Dubiel D, Dubiel G, Ackerman, Fahning, Ferrentino, Rusert, Wind B Sr, Hahn, Lavallee, and Chervinsky
-The meeting was called to order at 6:20PM.
-Hats for the “Kids Picnic” were discussed. Lion Dick Crawford reported we may not have funds for the hats this year. Lion Anne Fahning suggested we try to find a corporate sponsor. Lion Al Ackerman reported we spent $418 in 2006 for hats. Lion Jerry Dubiel volunteered to get prices from his contact.
-Lion Diane Dubiel reported that the Pizza Hut fund raisers were not that successful and would not recommend doing another one unless there was more club support.
-Lion Dubiel D. also asked for someone to take over the 4th of July coordination for this year.
-Lion Crawford reported that things are in place for the Spaghetti dinner and urged Lions to sell their tickets to the event. He is working on finding someone to handle the audio at the dinner, and we still need a bake sale coordinator.
-It was pointed out that James Crump has not paid his dues and has been dropped from the club.
-Lion Dubiel D, announced there would be a Cabinet Meeting at the Chautauqua Institute on April 12th. She encouraged Lions to attend if they could. Car pooling would be at Blockbuster at 8:15 and the meeting would start at 10:00AM. Reservations are required.
-The Meeting was adjourned at 6:40PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes of April 23rd 2008

-Present at the meeting were Lions Crawford, Fahning, Ferrentino, Dubiel G, Dubiel D, Rusert, Ackerman, Chervinsky, and Lobl H.
-The meeting was called to order at 6:20PM
-Lion Dick Crawford reported that our Spaghetti Dinner grossed $4454 and that our Welfare Budget was in good shape and should be in the black for the rest of the year. We will be able to buy hats for the Kids Picnic, but recommended to the board that all expenditures go through the Budget Committee. Lion Crawford will update the budget and it would be posted on our web site.
-Lion Henry Lobl reported he is working with creditors to reduce the outstanding balance for the medical treatment of Madison Mondoux.
-Lion Tom Rusert reported that Joseph Mondoux would join our Club. An application was turned in and was accepted by the Board. Mike Wind who was previously approved was not present. A motion was made and passed that new members would be inducted into the club at our Installation Dinner this year and would not be charged Club Dues until the beginning of the new fiscal year.
-There was a discussion to make the login easier for the lions members only section of the web site. Lion Dave Chervinsky reported that this was under the control of GEICOM.net and would be complicated to change.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50PM.

Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for May 28th 2008

-Present for the meeting were Lions Bassette, Hahn, Lobl H, Crawford, Ferrentino, Lavalle, Rusert TJ, Chervinsky, Dubiel G, and Ruocco,
-Lion Norm Hahn announced that the Installation Dinner would be at the BLC on June 11th at a cost of $30. Lion Fred Ruocco will be Master of ceremony and Lion Dick Crawford would install new members at the dinner.
-Lions Crawford and Jerry Dubiel reported to the Board prices for hats from $4.95 to $8.20. Tee shirts were discussed as an alternative. More pricing would be obtained before a decision is made.
-The board approved new members  Lyse Moreau, Norman D. Marow, and Denise and Mark Dunbar.
-The board approved purchase of a new Peace Poster Kit at a cost of $11.
-Lion Donna Lavallee requested funding for eyeglass collection boxes. She reported they must be purchased in lots of 12. The cost is believed to be under $100. The board asked that the cost be sent to the budget committee for approval.
-The Meeting adjourned at 6:50PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Board Meeting Minutes for June 25th 2008.
-Present for the Board Meeting were Lions Lobl H, Dubiel D, Dubiel G, Ackerman, Lavallee, Ferrentino, Bassette, Chervinsky, Rusert TE, Crawford, and Planavsky.
-Lion Dick Crawford reported we have $7,579.51 in the Welfare account, $662.07 in the General Account and $1,757.40 in the Scholarship Fund. He will transfer 10% of our recent fundraising from the Welfare to General to cover operational costs as per past changes approved by the board. Lion Paul Bassette also pointed out that $1800 form the Welfare and $200 from the Scholarship accounts would be needed to fund our Scholarship Program.
-The dues of $73 need to be paid. There are two Lions that still owe from last year. Membership adjustments need to be made on a monthly basis. Lion Crawford pointed out that the Club president, Secretary and Treasurer has access to the LCI membership site to make monthly changes in membership and give activity reports. Lions Diane Dubiel and Shelia Ferrentino will work on this with Lion Secretary Kathie Norris. Lion Bassette suggested that committee members need to fill out the activity reports on a regular basis.
-Lion Bassette was given a box of pins, patches, etc from Ruth Wixon. He suggested we could auction it off at an upcoming meeting. Lion D. Dubiel also has received Lions pins from Pat Patterson and Audrey Pollack. It was suggested we buy a vest to display them. Cost of a vest was discussed. Lion Bassette will get prices for us and suggested new members may want to order at the same time.
-Lion Donna Lavallee reported she purchased new collection boxes for eyeglasses and hearing aids and would distribute them at various locations. She had to buy a case of ten. Extra boxes would be stored in the loan closet.
-Accommodations were discussed for the Launch Club. Lion Dubiel suggested we approach the Club about be placed upstairs for some meetings. It was resolved that our club will try to make other arrangements when we cannot have our usual room. The noise factor was also discussed for the installation dinner. The board agreed the Holiday Inn may be a better option for this event.
-Lion D. Dubiel announced Lion Arnold “Tokyo Joe” Hartnett is raising money for his American Legion Club by selling ads for their newspaper. This was sent to the Budget Committee.
Lion D. Dubiel also discussed a request for glasses for a Grand Island Mother and her son. The board discussed verification of need since the mother is working. This will be investigated further.
-There was discussion of the Widows being invited to the “Members” Picnic. It was pointed out we passed a resolution to pay their costs for the Picnic and the Installation Dinner.
-It was announced that the next Cabinet Meeting would be July 12th at the Wheatfield American Legion Town Park at 10AM. All Board Members were urged to attend.
-Lion Crawford there is a “Dollars for Scholars” program to give matching funds for our scholarship winners if they attend a participating school. Lion Bassette will look into the positive and possible negative aspects of joining this program and report back to the board.
-The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM.
Respectfully submitted, Lion Dave Chervinsky

Lions Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for July 23, 2008

Attendance:  Dave Chervinsky, Anne Fahning,  Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Norm Hahn, Henri Lobl, Al Ackerman, Shelia Ferrentino, John MacNeil, Paul Bassette
Meeting called to order by Lion President Diane Dubiel at 7:10 P.M. at the Knights of Columbus.
Lion President Diane started by stating her goals for our club this year.  Goal one was to get new and existing members in activities and assign new members on a committee project or activity.  Second goal is to develop new programs to reach out to the community of Grand Island.
Discussion by several Board Members centered on our White Cane Drive and how to attract the public at this event.  Suggestions were made to have displays of activities and projects of our club shown by pictures and posters.
Treasurers report by Al Ackerman:  No report as such but a Couples Picnic report was handed out to show costs and amount collected.  There were 33 paid with 35 attended this event.  Further report on the Couples Picnic will come at the next Board meeting.
Discussion regarding keys of our mailbox centered on who has the keys.  Pres. Diane Dubiel and Secretary Kathy Norris each have a key.  Keys for the Loan Closet are in the hands of Fred Ruocco, Dick Crawford, Dave Chervinsky and Donna Lavallee.   White Cane equipment is in the hands of Al Ackerman.
Communications:  Angel Flight sent 4 tickets for $25 per person for a fundraiser on Sept. 4, 2008 in Orchard Park.  Fundraiser is for keeping the calling center open.  RSVP by Sept. 1.  See President Diane for tickets.
District 20N Region 1 will be holding a fundraiser for District Governor Jim Muscoreil to assist in covering his expenses as DG.  This event will be held at the Five Senses Park, Wheatfield on Sept. 27, 2008.  Hours will be from 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. with dinner served at 3:00 P.M.
A combined District 20N and District A-2 picnic on Aug. 10 at Fenwick.  Adults will $10 and children under 12 are free.  R.S.V.P. by Aug. 5.  Contact Pres. Diane if going so can car pool.
Leadership Forum for District 20N will be held in Springville on Aug 24.  The fee will be $20.  Pres. Diane would like all officers to attend.  Lion Anne Fahning moved with second by Lion Shelia Ferrentino that our club pay the $20 fee for all that attend from our club.  The motion passed with no dissent.
Paul Bassette gave a report for important items that were taken up at the Cabinet Orientation Meeting of District 20N held at the Five Senses Park on July 12, 2008.  Items covered were the International President’s Theme 2008-2009 of “Miracles Through Service”, District Governor’s Theme and Goals for 2008-2009 of “Share the Light”, various District 20N events during July- September, the upcoming District Raffle, Vision Beyond Sight fund raising of $400,000 for the Lions Diagnostic Center at the Ira G. Ross Eye Institute, more volunteers needed at the Lions Diagnostic Center, and the chartering of the Buffalo Latino Club for District 20N on November 1.
Discussion centered on who is our Vision Beyond Sight delegate.  Lion Tom Witkowski is our present delegate.
Lion Al Ackerman reported that a check of $1034.05 was received from the Lion Blind and Charity Fund as our club’s share from the 2007-2008 fund raising of the Lions Blind and Charity Fund.
Lion Al also stated that MD 20 dues of $344 are due and must be paid promptly.  Also, all club membership dues are due and to be given to Lion Treasurer Al.
Lion Secretary Kathy reported on an Ox Roast on Aug. 21 sponsored by the Cheektowaga Lions at a cost of $28 per person.  Kathy also reported that a check of $90 was received to cover the expenses for the widows at the Couples Picnic.
Pres. Diane and Lion Shelia indicated that they are working on a form to help Secretary Kathy for Lions activities and projects reports.  The committee chairs will have to fill out a form and turn it in to Secretary Kathy so she can send proper activities and project hours to the District for credit.
Paul Bassette made a presentation on Lions Club vests.  He handed out a break down of the costs of the vest from Lions International and the comparison of costs of design and printing on the vests with Lions International and Dan the Man (Niagara Falls).  Part of the discussion centered on the kind of vests from Lions International.  Anne Fahning desired the shorter type for women to wear and she will look into the cost of this type of vest and report back at the next Board meeting.  Discussion further took place on the kind of design and printing on the vests and how many Lions Club members do not have a vest and who might want one.  After much discussion on this issue, it was tabled to the next Board meeting with efforts to come up with a plan to see how many of our club members would like to order a vest.
Dollars for Scholars was tabled until September.
New Business:  The Grand Island Telephone Directory will need information regarding the Grand Island Lions Club by this October.  Pres. Diane stated we need to get that item ready as soon as possible.
Pres. Diane reported that she received a request for eyeglasses from a needy woman on Grand Island.  This matter was referred to Henri Lobl to investigate and handle.
Our eyeglass and hearing aid collection boxes and their locations were discussed.  There location will be in the next newsletter after consulting with Donna Lavallee.
Pres. Diane discussed the need for programs and speakers at our dinner meetings as well as gifts to be given the speakers.  Pres. Diane indicated that we need to update our gift presentation.
Committee Reports:  Pres. Diane indicated that there are 4 vacancies for committee chairs.  They are July 4th Parade, Special Kids Picnic, Program Chair, and Publicity article writer.  Dave Polosi will handle the picture taking of various Lions Club events and Anne Fahning said she would write the articles for the events if no one else will do it.  Please contact Pres. Diane if any Lion can chair any of these events or projects.
Pres. Diane stated that Budget Chair Dick Crawford would hold a budget meeting before the next Board meeting.
Pres. Diane thanked all the Lions Club members who worked on the Couples Picnic and the Special Kids Picnic.
Secretary Kathy reported that the next Bon Ton Community Day would be Nov. 15.  Kathy will chair the event.
Pres. Diane stated that the next Board meeting would be Aug 27 at 7:00 P.M. at the Knights of Columbus.  Also, all Board meetings will be held on the 4th Wednesday after the regular meeting.  Discussion was then centered on the starting and ending time of our meetings.  Concern was made regarding the need to start our dinner meetings on time at 7:00 P.m. sharp.  Plans are under way to get all members to move out of bar area at 6:50 P.M. and be ready to sit down at the meal at 7:00 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paul Bassette

Board of Directors' Meeting- August 27,2008

Knights of Columbus Hall
Attending: Lions Al Ackerman,Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford,Diane and Gerry Dubiel, Anne Fanning, Shelia Ferrentino, Donna Lavallee, John MacNeil, Henry and Annette Lobl.
Minutes of 7/23/08 Meeting reviewed and approved. Motion by Anne, seconded by Henry.
President's report: President Diane gave the following correspondence:
-Amherst Lions Club are reminding all clubs in the district to make donation to the Ira Ross Diagnostic Center.
- Charter Ceremony for the Buffalo Latino Club is in November. A request for monies for the placement of an ad in the program will be sent to the Budget Committee.
-Angel Flight. Two tickets will be purchased for the fund raiser. (in current budget). Shelia will attend.
-District Governor Visit. Jim Muscoriel and wife Lion Diane will attend the club  Christmas Party.
-Workshop Districts 20N and 20E will hold a Recruit, Retention one on 10/18/08. Anyone may go.
-Resignations of Lions' Debbie and John Mondoux due to family needs.
-Secretary Responsibilities discussed and the need to maintain the due date timelines for reporting to Lions International. Lions Paul and Annette will meet with Kathie to clarify responsibilities re: activity reporting and the use of the Password. A motion made by Shelia and seconded by Gerry to have Kathie share the Password etc. With Paul Bessette and Annette Lobl.
-Program Activity Report Forms were shared with all. These reports should be completed for all activities and forwarded to the Secretary responsible.
-UNYTS Blood Drive. The Club needs to pursue joint sponsorship with another organization due to need for larger space and more participants.
Motion to table until next meeting.
-Community Needs Assessment. Discussion followed, it was decided that instead of considering such an assessment a committee should be formed to investigate ways current programs can better serve our committee-eg loan closet etc.
-Phone Committee realigned to equalize calling. Donna recruited two new callers to relieve Diane and Dave of responsibility.
-Publicity Anne will write articles and Dave Pelosi will take pictures.
-New Member Orientation. Tom Russert will do upon return from vacation
at a time to be determined.
Treasurer's Report- Dick Crawford reviewed enclosed report. Discussion of
upaid dues and impact on Club. Motion made by Gerry, second by Al to
send a last reminder letter for payment by Sepetmber 15 and then member
will be dropped.
Program Chairmen-Henry announced that Colby Smith will be this year's chair.
Vests. Anne reported for Paul. Discussion followed. Motion made by dave to accept International Club's price, second by Diane.
Collection Boxes-Donna brought boxes. One is being left at K of C. Donna
will report on all locations at next meeting. She will pick up on a monthly
basis and track numbers. All go to Tom Witkowski.
White Cane Days- John brought up the fact that many shifts were left open. Discussion followed. Suggestion made to enlist High School Seniors as part of their community service project.
Next Meeting September 24  9 PM at Buffalo Launch Club.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Boies Lobl secretary

GI Lions Board Meeting 9-24-08

Attending: Diane, Kathie, Paul, Al, Dick Crawford, Tom, Bill, Gerry, Dave, John, Anne, Henry, George Casey Call to Order at 9:15PM. Status of Membership Dues-Dick provided an update of members who are still outstanding in payment. There is one member who, despite promises to do so, has not paid for two years. Discussion followed. Diane will send a letter advising this member in writing that he is dropped from the roster. This is being done based on the conversation she had with this member. Tom and Bill will contact the other members re. non-payment. George also reminded the Board that the current Constitution allows for payment of half dues in June and the other by December. Further the Constitution requires the Membership Committee consist of three people as a minimum number. Tom stated that it was   determined last year that all members of the Club were members of the Membership Committee. Discussion followed. It was decided that the dues notice should be very clear on the payment schedule and dates due for a member to remain in good standing. Development of this procedure was turned over to Tom Russert and the Membership Committee. Audit Committee-George reported that it is ongoing. There is no date for completion.
Pins-Paul Bassette reported that Burt Wixson's widow has turned over his pins. Discussion followed. Paul made a motion to sell the pins, 2nd by Kathie.
The Next Board meeting is 10/22 at the Buffalo Launch Club.
Respectfully Submitted, Annette Boies-Lobl Secretary

Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting, October 22,2008

Buffalo Launch Club
Meeting called to order by President Diane at 9:30 PM.
PDG Leadership Award:
Criteria reviewed by Diane. Deadline for submission is 12/01. Discussion followed.
Motion made by Paul, with a second by Dick, to nominate Tom Witkowski.
All members present  vote aye. Carried.
Recording  Secretary issue  Question raised by Paul as to how to handle voting with 3  people acting as secretary. Clarified that the person who is acting as secretary will be the only voting member. at Board Meetings  e.g ..September and October=Annette.
Spaghetti Dinner. Dick reported that he has sent the $200 payment to the Holiday Inn.
Monthly Activity Reports: Kathie reported that she is “working on them”.
Xmas Party. Dave spoke with Floyd who is looking for a Co-Chair such as Mark fFentzel or Mark Dunbar.
Lion Tamer Bill Wind has a teaching Commitment for 3 months and will be unable to attend meetings. 
Paul will ask Lion Fred Ruocco.
Peace Poster Awards: Paul states that the need for social security information for the Savings Bonds creates a very prolonged process for the winners. Some parents are hesitant to give information. Discussion followed.
Motion made by Annette, second by Dick to award $100,$50 and $25checks and supply the Bond applications. This will let the parents make the decision to use the money or purchase $200,$100 or $50 bonds. In this way the process becomes more efficient and the Club is out of the business of handling sensitive information
 Lion Anne reported that the Chamber of Commerce signs  at the North and South ends of the Island are being replaced due to age ane condition. Island organizations’ medallions will need to be replaced as well. The local sign maker can do this for $342 . Dick will check website for pricing and report to the Board at the next meeting.
Lion Dan received a phone call from Heather Boyer, a teacher at BOCES, regarding a 12 year old student, .Dominic Prine. Dominic has a degenerative eye disease which has rendered him legally blind  she is asking for financial assistance to purchase talking software (full version of JAWS) and a software Braille embosser. The cost of this isestimate between $1500 and $2000. Discussion followed. Tom Russert suggested a fundraiser like the Club did last year where each member was asked to donate $ 15. These monies were matched by an application to the Wheeler fund. Tom Witkowski also mentioned the Lions Foundation and the Blind  and .Charity Fund as other resources..
Decision: Dan will ask Heather Boyer to spea.k at the 11/12 Meeting  A process of due diligence will be done to determine eligibility. After  eligibility is determined, applications and a fund raiser will be done.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 10:30 PM  by Gerry with second by Kathie.
Next Meeting November 12,2008.
Respectfully Submitted
Annette Boies-Lobl, Secretary.

Grand Island Lion Club Board of Directors Meeting
Dec. 16, 2008 at Knights of Columbus

Present: Lions Diane Dubiel, Jerry Dubiel, Tom Rusert, Dave Chervinsky, Norm Hahn, John MacNeil, Dick Crawford, Ann Fahning, Kathie Norris, Paul Bassette
Absent: Lions Henry Lobl, Bill Wind, Donna LaVallee, Shelia Ferrentino, Dave Pelosi

Board of Directors called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Lion Pres. Diane Dubiel
Pres. Diane started with announcements
a. ACM meeting Jan. 13, 2009 starting at 6:30 P.M. at the Pendleton Lions, Brauer’s Restaurant, 6612 Campbell Blvd.  All members are invited to attend.
b.  Hands Across the Boarder Jan. 20, 2009 at the Days Inn, N.F, N.Y.   Cost is $25 a person with family style dinner.  Rob Ray will be guest speaker.  Cocktails at 6:00P.M. with dinner at 7:00P.M.  We need final count from our club on who is going by Jan. 5, 2009.

Committee Reports
Lion Ann Fahning reported on Community Day Bon Ton Sale with a grand total of $605.  There will be another Community Day Sale in the spring, 2009.
Pres. Diane reported that Lion Tom Witkowski is meeting with the parents of the boy on Grand Island who has visual problems.  Immediate financial needs for vision-assisted devices will total $400.  Our club will contribute $200 and the Ray Wheeler Fund will match it with $200.
Pres. Diane noted we need a new chairperson for the 2009 Special Kids Picnic.
Pres. Diane stated that Lion Fred Ruocco and his wife Tammy would chair the 2009 Christmas Party.

Lion Dick Crawford gave a brief summary of the treasurer’s report.  We have approximately $3100 in the Welfare fund and approximately $2100 in the General Fund.

Discussion was held on what we can do for new members to begin participating in our club’s projects and activities.  Discussion further entered on what we do at our meetings and the agenda that may help or hinder quality meetings.  Pres. Diane stated that she would organize a committee to meet after the holiday season to deal with above issues and present the results to our members.

Under new business, Pres. Diane read a letter from PDG Tom Reinagel dealing with District 20N Long Range Planning Committee on the issue of the costs for the District Governor’s Niagara Frontier Lion monthly publication.  The committee presented two options that could take place July, 2009.
 Option 1. Lions Clubs can continue what they do now by mailing members the newsletter at $7.00 a member per year.
 Option 2. Lions Clubs can receive the news letter electronically and distribute to members at cost of $3.50 a member per year.
This letter and its options will be discussed at our 2nd meeting in January, 2009.  Our club must tabulate the results and send back to the District 20N by Jan. 31, 2009.  The final decision on what to do will be decided at the March 28, 2009 District 20N Cabinet meeting.

Lion Paul presented some concerns on the lack of projects for our club during the months of November and December.  Various activities were suggested including a diabetes project for the month of November.  It was also suggested that new member Lion Denise Dunbar could work with Lion Tom Witkowski on Sight Night with her presence at Sidway School.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lion Paul Bassette, Recording Secretary
